After six years of hard work, we are happy to announce the publication of Jaime Correa’s book “UNBUILT INTENTION: towards a new phenomenology of cities and architecture”. This book is an attempt to ground the work of our office in the fields of contemporary theory and practice. In the same philosophical tradition of Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Sartre, this provocative design manifesto confronts a neglected dimension of our experience of cities and architecture. It proposes a new professional “Paper Practice” of unbuilt projects where the moral and ethical transcendence of distinct anticipated futures, Poesis, eidetic universals, and multiple imaginative variations counter-propose conventional professional practices based on vagueness, consumerism, and useless material gains. The publication is a testimony of our commitment to the exploration of the hidden connections among philosophy, architecture, urbanism, art, and culture.
The book will be available in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Ingram, Kobo, Libri, Scribd, and Lulu within the first two weeks of 2021.
For more information drop us a note at