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Designer: Jaime Correa

Design Assistants: Steve Fett with Adam Bonoski, "Jack", and Lorena

As a result of an urban code prohibiting the presence of a feasible B&B in an industrial district, this project proposes a nomadic HOTEL ON WHEELS (HOW). Using refurbished school buses as hotel suites, the four star hotel rooms would change location and park at various places within the district -adding a bit of urban interest, diversity, and uniqueness (economic intangibles). The breakfast building, called "The Home Room" configures a small square, adds a rooftop pool, and provides a small corner store as public amenities while serving as the cleaning hub and maintenance yard in its rear.


The project also included a master plan with rooftop super-graphics to be read by riders of a colossal Ferris Wheel or by visitors arriving from a local airport by helicopter (see plan shadows for the location of these two events). The super-graphics engage the public in the solution of riddles, based on American adages and proverbs; solving them would generate a complete land use plan.

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