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Design Team: Jaime Correa

A multi-use complex for the Stock Exchange | World Trade Center in the City of Miami. It includes underground parking, a retail hypostyle market and a main branch for the Stock Exchange | World Trade Center on the ground floor, a public space | public park on an open terrace, and a tower containing apartment units and office space. The configuration of the facades is symbolic of the volatility of world markets. The tower is draped with a transparent metallic mesh; this metallic veil simplifies the legibility of the building symbolic form and hides the diversity of functional programs behind it – including apartment units, condominium amenities, and office space. 

It is a symbolic compound in the artistic tradition of Constructivist architecture. It houses a retail hypostyle market and a main branch for the Stock Exchange | World Trade Center on the ground floor, public amenities on an open terrace, and a tower containing apartments, amenities, and office space. The tower’s profile reminds the viewer of the volatility of these two markets; it is draped on a steel mesh which hides its complex functional requirements and provides a continuous exterior balcony preventing heat gains from the harsh climatic conditions in Miami. 


The triptych view of the multi-use complex for the Stock Exchange | World Trade Center in the City of Miami is an homage to Kazimir Malevich and his three wives. 

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